Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It encourages emotional release, balances and aligns your main energy centers (chakras) and helps you center and balance yourself. Reiki light connects and heals your mind, body and soul, brings harmony and opens energy blocks. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. This energy vibrates on the frequency of Light and Love and can truly transform your life. The benefits of Reiki Energy Healing are endless...
I am looking forward to teaching you this wonderful, gentle and yet very powerful healing modality. Join the community of Lightworkers, Reiki circles and ongoing Mentorship and continuous support with me.
Let the Healing Power of Reiki transform your life for the Highest Good for yourself and others!
Love and Light,
Layla Moon
Fully Certified Reiki Master & Teacher
Reiki Level 1:
Feb 11, April 20, July 27, Oct 19
Reiki Level 2:
Jan 28 , June 1, Sept 28, Nov 23
Reiki Master Practitioner:
March 2
Other dates: TBD
Reiki Course Schedule, 2024:
Dear Layla,
Layla's Centre is a sacred, cozy and welcoming space where every person can find what they need, regardless of which point of their spiritual journey they currently are at. I loved every experience I had at Layla's - deep relaxation during meditative sessions, women's circles, open door events, beautiful Reiki energy healing sessions, guidance into the realms of higher self and my most recent experience of Reiki Level I course completion. It was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had and it wouldn't have been possible without Layla's unconditional acceptance and love, her elegant guidance and warm support, her desire to help and her motivating energy!